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bio-organic fertilizer

fengtian jiamei (gold band) series instructions

fengtian jiamei - a chinese brand of enzyme active and efficient fertilizers

fengtian jiamei compound fertilizer replaces organic and inorganic fertilizers, with one-time investment and cost savings!

this series of products relies on the advanced technology developed by the chinese academy of sciences nanjing institute of soil research for many years, and is an eco-friendly compound fertilizer developed by huayuan ecology, which integrates organic-inorganic, living organisms and enzymes.

technical indicators:

total nutrients ≥ 40.0% (chloride based)
n-p2o5-k2o: 14-13-13
cellulase activity ≥ 180u/g
protease activity ≥ 300u/g
effective viable bacterial count ≥ 10 million/g

product features:

activating nutrition - multiple efficient enzyme activities and beneficial microbial communities

this series of products add cellulose degrading enzymes and proteases to effectively solve the problem of long degradation cycles of agricultural straw; rich in active microbial communities, it can promote the activity of rhizosphere microorganisms in crops, accelerate organic matter decomposition, shorten nutrient conversion cycles, and promote crop growth; activating phosphorus and potassium in the soil greatly improves the utilization efficiency of soil and fertilizers.

organic carbon nutrition - efficient active organic matter

specially adding highly efficient active organic matter, i.e. highly water-soluble active organic matter, is several times more active than ordinary organic matter. activate soil nutrients, improve soil aeration, enhance leaf photosynthesis intensity, and stimulate plant micro biological activity.

natural biological stimulant - rosin

it can improve the physiological and biochemical status of plants, improve the effectiveness of pesticides and fertilizer utilization, enhance crop stress resistance, and ultimately improve yield and quality. using the same fertilizer to improve crop absorption, yield, and quality; reduce fertilizer usage, reduce resource waste and environmental pollution, but ensure yield.

fully functional and widely used

this product is suitable for a wide range of fertilizers, including base and topdressing, and is suitable for bulk crops; integrating multiple functions, it is easy to use and has better effects than conventional composite fertilizers, biological fertilizers, and organic fertilizers. after long-term field verification, this product has shown outstanding effects in improving soil, fertilizing soil, improving agricultural product quality, increasing yield and income, and can be applied in furrows, holes, or strips.

application method:

crop types application amount (kg/mu) fertilizing time
rice 20-30 apply once after 5-7 days of transplanting and once during the jointing period
wheat 15-30 apply wax fertilizer and green manure once each
corn 15-35 apply before jointing or during the big bell mouth period
rape 20-30 apply once each during the seedling stage and mid bud stage
peanut 15-25 apply once in the early stage of podding or during the flowering and needle stage
other 10-45 the amount and period of fertilization can refer to local fertilizer usage habits



chitin ecological organic fertilizer

main technical indicators:

n p2o5 k2o ≥ 5%
organic matter ≥ 45%
protease activity ≥ 3000u/g
adding beneficial bacteria, chitin, and chelating various medium and trace elements
potassium sulfate type

product characteristics:

★ improve soil, fertilize fields to maintain moisture, and enhance soil fertility

improve soil structure, enhance soil permeability, store water and fertilizer, and eliminate soil compaction; improve soil acidity and alkalinity, prevent soil acidification, and create favorable soil conditions for crop growth.

★ organic carbon nutrition, beneficial active microbial community, activating soil, promoting growth and development

rich in active microbial communities, it can promote the activity of rhizosphere microorganisms in crops, accelerate organic matter decomposition, shorten nutrient conversion cycles, and promote crop growth; rich in small molecule active organic compounds, promoting root development, flowering and fruiting, fruit ripening, and increasing yield.

★ enhance immune capacity, enhance resistance, and promote ecological and environmental protection

beneficial microorganisms effectively inhibit harmful soil microorganisms; chitin significantly enhances the antibacterial and antiviral abilities of crops, enhances the immune system, and enhances crop disease resistance; the combination of the two reduces the frequency of pesticide application and is environmentally friendly.

★ pure potassium sulfate, with comprehensive nutrition and improved quality

it can improve the disease resistance and drought resistance of crops, enhance the taste of fruits and melons, improve taste, and especially increase the luster and brightness of fruits and melons products. promote the increase of effective flowers in peanuts, with more needles, more fruit sets, more double kernels, and plump seeds. effectively regulating the growth of peanuts, the plant is short and sturdy, with ideal plant type and significant improvement.

application method:

crop types application rate fertilization methods
fruit trees 200-600kg/mu select a fertilization ditch with a width of 30-40cm and a depth of 30-40cm outside the vertical projection of the tree crown, and mix organic fertilizer with an appropriate amount of fertilizer and surface soil into the ditch; alternatively, the entire garden can be spread and then turned over into the soil layer.
vegetables 100-300kg/mu three days before sowing, apply trench or soil covering, mainly as base fertilizer
field crops 50-200kg/mu before sowing, it should be plowed and applied along with the soil, mainly as base fertilizer



chitin organic inorganic compound fertilizer

a fertilizer that can be mixed with compound fertilizers and used for machine seeding!

main technical indicators:

n p2o5 k2o: 5-5-5
organic matter ≥ 30%
protease activity ≥ 3000u/g
adding beneficial bacteria and chitin
potassium sulfate type, containing nitrate nitrogen, chelating various medium and trace elements

product characteristics:

improving soil and fertilizing soil fertility:

improve soil acidity and alkalinity to prevent soil acidification; enhance the soil's ability to maintain fertilizer supply and buffer, and create favorable soil conditions for crop growth.

organic carbon nutrition, soil activation, and enhanced microbial activity:

rich in protease activity and active microbial communities, promoting rhizosphere microbial activity, accelerating organic matter decomposition, and shortening nutrient transformation cycles; small molecule organic compounds (amino acids, peptides, etc.) promote the development of fruit tree roots, take root and strengthen roots, make plant growth robust, maintain flowers and fruits, improve fruit setting rate, promote early ripening, and extend the picking period.

enhance stress resistance, improve quality, and increase yield:

chitin can enhance immunity, enhance disease resistance and drought resistance of fruit trees, reduce the occurrence of physiological diseases, disease spots and other symptoms, and make the fruit shape positive and have a bright color.

pure potassium sulfate, quick and long-lasting, with high utilization rate:

rich in quality element sulfur, it improves quality, has a pure taste, and increases the sugar and vc content in the fruit. special addition of nitrate nitrogen can quickly provide the necessary nutrients for crops and supplement the slow efficiency of organic fertilizers.

diversified application, long and slow fertilizer effect:

the combination of organic and inorganic elements, combined with the addition of various chelating trace elements, truly achieves nutrient deficiency and can meet the growth needs of different crops; the slow decomposition and release of organic nutrients can maximize the control of nutrient release cycles, and have a longer residual fertilizer effect.

instructions for use:

crop types application rate fertilizing time application method
fruit tree 3-5 (kg/tree) base fertilizer before autumn harvest ditch and cave application
vegetable 150-200(kg/mu) base fertilizer spread fertilizer over the fields
field crops 100(kg/mu base fertilizer spreading and ditch application



chitin aquatic specialized organic fertilizer

main technical indicators:

n p2o5 k2o ≥ 5%
organic matter ≥ 45%
protease activity ≥ 3000u/g
adding beneficial bacteria and chitin
pure potassium sulfate

product features:

comprehensive nutrition and growth promotion:

according to the nutrient requirements of aquaculture water bodies such as shrimp and crab, soluble nutrients such as protease activity, peptides, amino acids, humic acid, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium mineral elements, and chelated trace elements are added to provide beneficial nutrients for algae growth and reproduction, rapidly increasing the amount of natural bait and improving the quality of shrimp and crab.

purifying water quality and preventing diseases:

chitin enhances the immune system of aquatic animals, while nutrients such as amino acids and trace elements can enhance their physical fitness; it can reduce harmful toxins in water bodies such as ammonia nitrogen and nitrite, and is environmentally friendly.

fast and long-lasting fertilization:

it can quickly improve and maintain the nutrients in the upper layer of the water, change the color of the water, decompose and transform the rich nutrients in the water into the nutrients required by aquatic organisms, and promote a virtuous cycle of the water body. both saline and light aquaculture water bodies are suitable.

long term use and environmental improvement:

long term use of this product can promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms and excellent algae, promote the decomposition of organic matter at the pool bottom, improve the pool bottom environment, and have an inhibitory effect on moss; maintain a fertile, tender, and clean water quality, providing a favorable living microenvironment for aquatic animals such as fish, shrimp, and crabs.

application method:

fertilization method fertilization time usage and dosage
base fertilizer after clearing the pond or constructing a new pond, basic fertilizer must be applied. the fertilizer should be applied 5 days before the seedlings are released into the pond. 5-10 kg/mu
topdressing in order to ensure the sustainable reproduction of natural erbium species, timely and reasonable fertilization is necessary. 1-5 kg/mu, can be directly and evenly sprinkled or mixed with water to the entire pool, 2-4 times a month.
the above usage and dosage are for reference only. specific adjustments should be made based on water quality, water depth, water fertility, climate, stocking density, and growth period. feeding should be stopped on cloudy and rainy days, and the best time should be sunny afternoon. however, when the water temperature and temperature are high, topdressing should be used with caution.
there are many factors that affect aquaculture, and it is important to remind all aquaculture users to use it scientifically and reasonably based on the actual situation under the guidance of local aquatic technology personnel or experienced farmers.



chitin microbial agent

resist repeated cropping, suppress diseases, reduce toxins and pesticide residues, and stimulate soil vitality!

main technical indicators:

n p2o5 k2o ≥ 5%
organic matter ≥ 50%
effective viable bacterial count ≥ 200 million/g gelatin bacillus subtilis lxb4001 new bacillus subtilis

this product mainly uses high-quality plant-based raw materials, rich in high organic matter and high protein raw materials. it is a composite microbial inoculum produced through advanced protective fermentation, with the addition of the long-selected gelled bacillus subtilis lxb4001 and the new bacillus subtilis.

product characteristics:

remediation of soil structure:

rich in a variety of highly active bacterial communities, it enhances the soil's activation ability, inhibits pathogenic bacteria and toxins, enhances soil permeability, and reduces soil regeneration ability.

activate nutrition and promote absorption:

it can effectively activate elements such as silicon, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil, and promote the absorption of nutrients by crops.

rhizosphere environmental protection barrier:

two types of microbial communities rapidly propagate into dominant microbial communities in the soil, controlling the rhizosphere microbial environment and causing the loss of living space and conditions for pathogenic bacteria such as stubble, root rot, standing blight, gum flow, and gray mold. the abundant secondary metabolites are the thickening, fibrosis, and lignification of the cell walls of plant root cells, forming a dual protective barrier against pathogen invasion, enhancing stress resistance, and preventing soil borne diseases.

improving quality, increasing yield and income:

special addition of natural active substances such as potassium fulvic acid, alginate, and seaweed polysaccharides can induce the expression of dominant genes in crops, enhance crop stress resistance, significantly promote crop root development, extend root lifespan, repair damaged roots, dredge nutrient transport channels, and improve fertilizer utilization efficiency.

instructions for use:

applicable crops application period and dosage application method
solanaceae, leafy vegetables, melons and fruits base fertilizer 80-120kg, topdressing 20-40kg spreading and plowing
fruit tree 0.5-1kg per young tree, 3-5 kg per adult tree furrow application
field crops base fertilizer 50-100kg, topdressing 15-30kg both sprinkling and ditch sprinkling are acceptable
after use, keeping the soil moist is beneficial for rapid prevention and control of beneficial bacteria, and the effect is better when combined with compound fertilizers.


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